Great British Beer Festival -- one day to go.

So, with the festival one day away, I thought you, our faithful audience of fellow ale swiller... erm lovers, might like to know what to expect. Well, we'll be drinking beer all evening, so I imagine you're able, dear reader, to make an educated guess. Drunken silliness may be a fair summary.

But on the way, well, we're going to post lots of little beer blogs. Here are the rules:

- One picture per beer (of what? Goodness knows...)
- Beer details (eg Bog Trotter Brewery's Olde Sloppe Paile, 5.4%).
- Exactly five words describing the ale itself ("Oh God, my poor bladder"). No more than five. And no less.

It'll be a blog extravaganza. Or something. Starting tomorrow, Thursday 9 August, from about 18:00 BST, or 17:00 GMT. Look at that -- times carefully detailed for overseas readers. I bet I won't be sober enough to blog carefully for an international audience by the end of tomorrow evening...


  1. Hope you guys have been in training...

  2. As ready as we'll ever be. A good dose of British stiff upper lip, look lively boys, we're going in. Pip pip!


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December 2012: Due to a huge volume of pointless and frankly tedious comment-spam, at the moment we've switched off Anonymous comments. When it stops, we'll switch Anonymous back on again -- apologies for any inconvenience. Please join, sign in, and vent your beery spleen!